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About Wakoos
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Wakoos in the Woods
Useful Information & Fees
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Staff Section
2.4 Arrivals Departures.doc
Microsoft Word document [79.0 KB]
2.8 Whistleblowing policy.doc
Microsoft Word document [97.5 KB]
2.11 Child Protection policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [77.0 KB]
4.4 Late Collection of Children.docx
Microsoft Word document [66.8 KB]
4.10_Complaints Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [67.0 KB]
4.11_Food Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [158.4 KB]
4.12_Fees Paying Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [64.4 KB]
4.14 Headlice.docx
Microsoft Word document [60.7 KB]
4.15 Sun Safety Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [64.4 KB]
4.16 Behaviour Management Policy.doc
Microsoft Word document [86.5 KB]
4.16.5 Behaviour Management Policy Out o[...]
Microsoft Word document [92.5 KB]
4.17 Sleep safe policy.doc
Microsoft Word document [103.5 KB]
4.26 Child sickness policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [48.5 KB]
6 2 Adverse Weather Conditions Policy_De[...]
Microsoft Word document [53.9 KB]
7.3 Working for families outside of Wako[...]
Microsoft Word document [56.0 KB]
7.19 Parent Behaviour Policy.docx
Microsoft Word document [70.1 KB]
Wakoos Privacy Notice
Policies and Procedures
Support and Information for Parents/Carers