Toddler Room

Our Toddler room is home to our children aged just two up until the year before they leave for school.


The Toddler room is full of exciting sensory experiences such as gloop, oats, water and sand play. The children have freeflow access to a large garden area where they can develop their gross motor skills on our large climbing equipment and ride on toys.


In this room we begin to work on the children's independence as well as developing their personal, social and emotional development. Activities are specifically planned for each individual child based upon their next steps and interests. Qualified staff are on hand to scaffold children's learning, building upon what they already know whilst providing stimulating challenges to encourage them to learn more. 


The routine in this room includes lots of opportunities for free play both inside and outside as well as introducing more structured learning through group times.


Just before lunch time there is a group time of 'Knock on the box'. The awe and wonder created as the children anticipate what is inside in box during this group time is simply magical! This could include a story, puppet, musical instruments and much more. This short, interactive group time gives the children the opportunity to develop the listening and attention skills they need as they get older.  


Lunch is served at 12pm and the children sit and eat together, sharing conversations and learning social skills important for meal times. Some of the children then head off for a sleep and the other children enjoy some focused activity time.   


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© Kellie, Wakoos Centre4Children Ltd.