Years 4, 5 and 6 Breakfast and After School Club

Out out of School Clubs operate from 3 different sites. Our Year 4, 5 ad 6 students attend out of school club sessions from Wakoos and the Women's Hall


Here they have their own space and garden area with the public park next door! There are many fun activities set up for the children inside and the staff base these around the children's interests.


Wakoos opens at 7.30 from this time we offer a healthy breakfast and a range of quiet activities to help your child wake up! Our breakfast menu includes a selection of cereals and toast.  


After Breakfast Club, children are walked up to Billingshurst Primary Academy, wearing high visibility vests. 


Once at Billingshurst Primary Acedemy children give back their high vis jackets and get signed out of our register as they get dropped off at the KS2 playground to learn and explore!

At school collection time the staff members collect the children in the KS2 play ground. A register is taken and calls made to parents if children have not turned up.


We then walk back to The Women's Hall. A register is taken again when we get in and the children have the room set up of activities ready for play. There is a buffet style snack available for the children and a menu can be provided.


After School Club sessions run until 4, 5 or 6 o’clock. 

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© Kellie, Wakoos Centre4Children Ltd.